Created By: Institutional Research
Data Updated: Annually in January
Data Definitions
Executive, Administrative and Managerial:  All persons whose assignments require the performance of work directly related to management policies or general business operations of the institution, department or subdivision etc. This category includes such titles as President, Vice President, Dean, Director, as well as officers subordinate to any of these administrators such as Associate and Assistant Deans so long as their principal activity is administrative.
Faculty:  All persons whose principal activity is instruction, and who hold academic rank titles of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, instructor, or the equivalent. This category includes titles such as clinical, adjunct, visiting, etc.
Research Staff:  Persons who spend the majority of their time conducting research, regardless of title, academic rank, or tenure status. This category includes such titles as Research Professor, Research Associate Professor, Research Assistant Professor and Research Associate. The prefix of "Research" to a faculty rank shall be restricted to positions funded predominantly through external sources, such as research grants. Research appointees are not tenurable.
Professional Non-Faculty:  Persons whose assignments require a college degree or comparable work experience.
Support Staff:  Persons whose job duties would be classified as (or first-line supervision of) clerical/secretarial, technical/paraprofessionals, skilled crafts or service/maintenance.
FTE:  Full-time equivalent is a measurement equal to one employee working full time for one workweek.
UGC Merger:  On February 1, 2016, Union Graduate College merged with Clarkson University and became Clarkson University;'s Capital Region Campus (CRC).