Created By: Cooper Grinnell, Student Intern
Data Updated:
Data Definitions
Retention Rate:  The percentage of students that stay at the university from freshman to sophomore year.
Institution Name:  The name of college or university whose data is shown on the graph.
Sector:  Describes whether a college or university is private or public.
Public:  A college or university started and owned by the state in which it resides.
Private:  A college or university that is privately owned and funded.
Graduation Rate:  The percentage of students that graduate at 4, 6, and 8 years from their respective first year.
Carnegie Classification:  The classification given to a university based on multiple factors such as research level and highest degree awarded.
Institution Size:  The number of students enrolled in the university.
Cluster:  A grouping of universities based on similar variable values, used to compare institutions with more similar statistics. "Clarkson Cluster" being the group that contains Clarkson University.